Sunday, June 2, 2013

In Control

As we glide through this travel team season, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's trying to enjoy watching my kids as much as possible.  We always enjoy watching our kids, but this is special and so we're trying to really soak it in and appreciate it.

Coach Dan addresses the troops.

One thing in particular to appreciate is how patient our coaches are.  They exude confidence in the program that they are pushing our kids through, which lends a sense of calm as tournament time creeps closer.  30 days and counting... So many reps, an extra inning for this pitcher, an advanced technique here, a subtle adjustment there.  Holding expectations steady, reinforcing habits, mixing in some fun...  30 days and counting.

Coach Matt grimaces as he crunches a Saudi sunflower seed. (Been there.)

*     *     *

Since the coaches are in control, the parents can simply relax, right?  Not exactly!  Plenty of things going on off the field to wear us out, from fundraisers to team meals and sleepovers to bushels of emails and a steady diet of meetings to manage this behemoth that is The Travel Team Experience. 

The final leg of this journey, the regional tournament in the Philippines, is going to feel like a vacation.  All of the work will be done, and we will finally just be watching some baseball.  It will be nerve-wracking baseball watching, yes, but it should be just baseball.

And so, when you take your seat at our first tournament game, don't be surprised if you hear some nut job shouting out "Hallelujah!" as he takes his seat way up in the top row.

Coach Kraynyk takes some time to listen to and talk with the boys.

Our boys

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