Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just Off the Plate

I spent a game in the dugout when the strike zone seemed small, spitting sunflower seed shells at my sneakers, trying to convince myself that, despite the agony, there’s no place I’d rather be than in a baseball dugout watching a ballgame on a beautiful evening, stars twinkling somewhere out there beyond the bugs and bats darting in and out of the field lights.  It was warm, and the grass was smooth and green.

“Ball four!”

I stepped over to the water fountain.  I popped a few more seeds.

“Ball one.”

After the game there would be food for the players and coaches, so that was a happy thought.  Parents have stepped up and volunteered to prepare post-game meals once a week, and I momentarily thought about biting into a warm a sloppy joe and sipping a cold Coke.

A post-game meal

“Take your base.”

I drifted back to Poland when Jordan hit the late, two-run homer to beat Uganda, and my mind’s eye once again watched the ball disappear into the tall trees beyond the centerfield fence.

I thought about the Mets game when my dad bought me my first real hat.

I remembered the first time I signed my kids up for baseball in the mail center.  A guy with a sort of surfer dude inflection and wire-rimmed glasses enthusiastically engaged me in conversation when I told him that I had two boys to sign up.  I think it was Kinney.

“Ball one!”

Ugh.  In a desperate attempt to get the elusive third out, I gave the sign for a pick-off play at first base.  Wild pitch.  The runners moved up; the pick-off option was dead.

Nick and Chris meet to discuss the pitching plan.

“Ball two!”

Changing gears, I popped some pumpkins seeds.  Stale.

“Ball three!”

I organized the bats from longest to shortest in the bat rack.  I neatened the helmets on the shelf.  A dog barked in the distance.

“Ball four!”

I bit a nail, I stood up, and then I started killing the ants that had been swarming around someone’s spilled Gatorade.

I spent a game in the dugout when the strike zone seemed small.  Not easy at all.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Nathan ready to fire.

Good pitching is the key to good baseball.  There are many things the boys are working on, but the development of the pitchers is the main thing going on behind it all.

During this time of year, the pitchers must develop more consistency in their deliveries, become more accurate in hitting their spots, and become more skilled with their off-speed pitches.  Along the way, their velocity increases, which is a natural thing since they are still growing boys who are becoming bigger and stronger right before our eyes.  Certainly, fielding the position is another area of focus.

That's the physical side.  Mentally, the pitchers also must improve.  How do you respond to an error behind you?  Will you become distracted from the task at hand by an iffy call behind the plate?  Can you battle back from a 3-0 count?  What if your off-speed pitch is not working so well--can you survive until you get the feel for it back?

All of these things are happening right now at Canyon Yards, and it's a fun process to watch.

Coach Matt talks pitching with Marcus and Andrew.

Batters who haven't struck out much now occasionally are caught looking at called third strikes.  Pitchers who couldn't get through an inning a couple of months ago are now getting through two innings, or more.  There are fewer past balls, and five or six innings are passing before time's up.

So good pitching has a huge impact on the game.  It forces our hitters to become better batters, it lessens a catcher's burden, it speeds up the game, and even the fielding is beginning to improve because with more strikes comes more contact and more fielding plays--you'd better be on your toes! 

Trace catches some smoke.

Keep it up, boys, keep it up!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Saudi Seeds

Here in Saudi, grocery stores have spice/nuts/dried fruits counters in addition to seafood, bakery, and deli counters.  So you'd think it would be easy to get some decent sunflower seeds here.  But you'd be wrong.

There are several issues with the local sunflower seeds.

1.)  They are too big. 

Foreground:  Saudi.  Background:  Normal.

When you grab a handful of these sunflower seeds and pop them into your mouth to enjoy for half an inning, well, that handful you grabbed?  Um, that was about five seeds, and it doesn't take too long to crack them open, chew the seeds, and spit out the shells.  Then there's only one out in the inning and you are stranded in the third-base coach's box with nothing but dry mouth.

Once when a player was rounding third and I was getting all excited in the coach's box, one of the giant seed halves flew from my mouth and banged into the kid's helmet, and the kid actually went down.  It was only a mild concussion, but still.  You just don't see that scenario play out in Little League games in other parts of the world.

Coach Matt hits pregame infield to the team with Andrew catching.

2.)  Saudi seeds are far too brittle.  Position a Saudi seed between your upper and lower teeth, gently press down to snap the shell open to release the seed, and KABOOM!   All too often, it's shrapnel city all over your tongue.  Try spitting that out with any kind of expert zing on a crowded dugout bench.  It comes out more like projectile vomit after a meal of toothpicks, and the cool factor of seed chewing is gone, man.

Nick comes in on a ground ball during warmups.

3.)  You have to buy them from a guy with whom it is impossible to communicate.

Many, many, if not most people one encounters in retail establishments here in Saudi, speak English.  And the ones who don't, well they understand inflections and gestures just fine.  But not the grocery-store nut guy.   

The thing is, there are lots of seeds and nuts on display, and some are salted, some are not, some are "lemon salt," etc.  Not much is labeled, either, so good luck finding exactly what you want.  It once took me ten minutes to find out if the guy had flax seeds, for crying out loud!  Oh, the hardships we face here.

Shea shows good form on a grounder during pregame warmups.

4.)  If for some reason a good batch of sunflower seeds does come in, they are gone quickly, and they will not be re-stocked for about a year.

Why won't something that's sold out get quickly restocked?  I recently got an answer to this question when, after I could not find the tuna pate my kids like, I asked an employee if there was any tuna pate in the back.  The employee said, "Yes!" and quickly walked to the back of the store.

When he returned a couple of minutes later with a stack of tuna pate cans, I laughed.  "Why don't you put these out?" I said.

The store employee responded with his own laugh, "If we put all of them out, they will sell out (you dummy)!"

Luke tries to extricate an unfathomably large Saudi sunflower shell.

Monday, May 20, 2013

From the Press Box

Watching the game from the press box behind home plate has its advantages.  It's a unique view of the field, for one.  You can totally concentrate on the game at hand as well.

It's pretty boring though.

You play music between innings, spit seed shells out the window, keep score in a score book, and that's about it.  You definitely need a partner up there, some kind of windbag would be perfect.  Otherwise, it's kind of lonely.  I understand now why we've hardly ever had anyone up there during the season.

Ho hum.

Shaumik pitches to Ziyad.  From third to first, it's Will, Brandon, Nic, and Jordan.  In the outfield from left to right it's Cody, Patrick, and Aziz.  Trace is behind the plate.

Alex G. lines one to right field as Chris takes off from second base.

Field level is where the action is.

Trace bats; Nick catches.

Coach Kraynyk tells Marcus to "turn and look!"  Over at third, Coach Gieson gives the "hold" sign.

 At field level between innings:

Andrew pitches to Trace.  What a beautiful game!

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Better Claim

Approaching the bleachers at the start of a game, one must make a choice between down low and up high, and so often I have long stood comparing one choice to the other as best I could.  

Although both equally lay, I have most often chosen the top row not only because it was empty and wanted wear, but also because I wanted to lean back on the railing up there.

Down low, there's a lot of talk about shopping and the office, and it feels kind of crowded.  Kids are zooming around; they are bouncing balls, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk, and constantly begging their moms for something from the snack bar.

Occasionally, someone shows up with a dog on a leash.

The person at the scorer's table, bless her heart, is stuck in that low orbit.

Marcus heads for 3rd, and Will heads in to back up the throw.

Up high, it's like getting out into the country.  There's more space, and the air is more pure.  Nothing blocks your line of sight, either.  You've got the whole field practically to yourself!

You're not really up there to avoid people, though; it's just about getting to a level where the inconsequential things are left behind.

You know what I really love about the top row?  When someone makes the climb up to join you, there's an instant camaraderie, for everyone knows that in the top row no one is going to talk about much that's unrelated to baseball.  It's like an unwritten code of conduct.

In the top row there will be no chit-chat about Mary Ann's amazing tabbouleh recipe, no he-said-she-said baloney, and you know what?  No one even expects you to talk at all!  Giving just a sort of "hey" look upon arrival will do.  People up there are actually there to take in the game, and they don't give a cracker if anyone joins them or not.

Shea picks a throw from Alex S. as Brandon hustles all the way through the base.

Of course, top-row folks are misunderstood, but that's due mainly to paranoia inside the folks down below who subconsciously feel "looked down upon."

Sure, literally they are looked down upon, but, folks, let me say it again:  Top rowers are watching the game.

They don't give a hoot about the amazing knock-off Jimmy Choo bag you bought in Bangkok, and, for crying out loud, buy your kid another Popsicle from the snack bar already.  In the peace and quiet that would ensue, we could both get what we really want:

You'd be able to broach the topic of that new diet you're on, and I, well, I could get back into the zone on the row less traveled, and that would make all the difference.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


The 2013 AALL All-Star Travel Team

Little League baseball in Arabia is a journey, a long and difficult journey.

To get to the pinnacle (the travel team), every single player and parent, especially parent (?), must endure innumerable, seemingly endless, hopeless-feeling, and painful baseball experiences...  I don't want to discount the positives, and there are plenty, but let's face it--it hasn't been easy!

Let me summarize the years very quickly:

The journey begins with a map to "the shed" written on the back of a piece of scrap paper while your head is still spinning about having landed in Arabia of all places.  Your kid did not initiate this trip, by the way.  You pick up an outdated helmet and a bat that's too short, and before you know it you find yourself, experienced or not, suddenly sucked into coaching.

Despite your own seriousness, outfielders prefer to sit "criss cross apple sauce" between innings, and all of your players are mostly interested in the jets soaring overhead with tails of fire.  It seems unfair that brand-new pitchers with Little League arms are pitching to brand-new umpires with Major League strike zones, but that's all we've got.

You figure it will get better soon, but there are opposing coaches encouraging their players to steal bases no matter the score.  So many third strikes are called on your son that it hurts.  Weekend night after weekend night is blown in order to subject your work-worn self to these woebegone tortures.

Yet you spring for that $300 bat. 

Back home, meals and homework are compacted into the stressful witching hour between the end of work and baseball practice.  You occasionally must drag your son to the field; he's wearing the wrong color jersey; coaches holler (guilty as charged); gossip rides the warm breezes that ripple through the aluminum bleachers where rivalries are imagined and real...  There are unhappy and happy car rides home from the field, and later, you're still worked up about your experience at the game, but he's fast asleep on the couch in his uniform without a worry in his head.

Games begin at dinnertime, yet the snack bar is inexplicably boarded up.  There are the end-of-game stories after triumphs, post-game sleepovers, and friendships forged.

The travel is memorable:  Meeting at the pub at the airport in Bahrain before the flight to another tournament; so many taxi rides in Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Dubai in baseball uniforms--fun, yeah, but your savings account is stagnate.

Streams of baseball emails interrupt and enliven your work hours, and did you have the foresight to buy two pairs of cleats and an extra pair of baseball pants while on repat in order to get through the coming year or did you have to expensively Aramex new things in??

Etc. etc. etc.

And hats off to those parents who endured all of the above PLUS four to five nights of commuting 45 minutes each way to Dhahran every week.  No Purgatory for you, I hope.

But also, we saw our boys grow up right before our eyes, taller, stronger, and richer, and the travel team punches the gas pedal to the floor on this maturity process in so many ways...

That's how growing up happens.

Can you believe how talented they've become?  Was it, is it all worth it?

Yep, every second.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Da Gear

One of the best things for the players about the travel team is the stuff they get--the new warm up t-shirts and shorts, the new hats and uniforms--it's all very special stuff to the boys.  Last year's travel team players wore the heck out of their travel team gear, and this year's team is revved up to do the same.

Last week the players received their new warm up gear.  The shirts and t-shirts have the AALL All-Star logos and they say "AALL All-Stars," too.  They love wearing their new duds to school!

In addition, the gear really starts the team's bonding process.  Finally, the regular season feels over.  It feels like a new start.   It's even refreshing for the parents to look out onto the field and see their sons in some crisp new garb. 

Yes, it's officially a whole new season, folks!

Ok, back to work now!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Tradition of Excellence

So many families of Saudi Aramco have long been dedicated to baseball.  A love for baseball is not unusual in American communities, which more or less describes Aramco, but what is amazing is how relatively big a presence we have had on the international Little League stage with such a small pool of talent.

This year, for instance, we chose our travel team--the team that will compete in the Asia-Pacific-Middle East Regional Tournament in July--from a group of less than 20 players. 

Such a situation is not unusual for us, and we intend to make some noise at the regional tournament like we usually do!

Since 1983, "Saudi Arabia" has been represented at the Little League World Series in Williamsport after victories at regional Little League tournaments 18 times! 

Here are a few articles that touch on the tradition of the Arabian-American Little League's success:




The best-ever finish for Saudi in Williamsport? 

Unbelievably, we once finished third in the world:

"Dhahran, specifically a team drawn from the Saudi Aramco Residential Camp, represented the Middle East-Africa, or "MEA" region (formerly the Trans-Atlantic region) from 2000–2011. The city also had 11 teams before that represent them from 1983 through 1998. Though Dhahran has produced many teams that have made it to the Little League World Series, no team has ever won the World Series championship game, nor the international championship game. The best finish by a team from Saudi Aramco Residential Camp was a tie for third place in 1994."


And what Dhahran baseball fan doesn't know Tanner Beachy??  In addition to Hall of Famer Orel Hershiser, there are plenty of Japanese Little Leaguers who will never forget!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Too Hard?

The team has begun training in earnest for the Asia-Pacific-Middle East Regional Little League Tournament to be played in the Philippines July 1-7.

The first practice was held earlier this week, and it was a tough one concentrating on conditioning.  During the end-of-practice stretching, the local mosque came to life, and our fearless one-man ground-keeping crew (Sharif) shared his reaction to what he'd just witnessed:

The boys survived, of course.  

Here we go!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Good Knights

The 2013 Arabian-American Little League's (AALL) all-star travel team has been selected!  (Team picture coming soon.)

This year's team name is the Knights.  Coach Kraynyk pushed for the ultra-traditional "AALL All Stars," but thankfully his input was overwhelmingly and soundly crushed by the other coaches, and so we have a team name with some personality.

In deference to Coach Kraynyk's love of tradition, however, after a one-year experiment our travel team is  back to the classic Arabian-American baseball colors of gold and green.  The green matches the color of the Saudi flag, and the yellow is a nod to French's mustard, which goes great on hot dogs at Major League ballparks.  Coach Kraynyk wanted Canadian red as a highlight color, but, again, his input was overwhelmingly and soundly crushed by the other coaches.

Yes, "Knights" has personality.  Simply read the description of a medieval knight at

"The knight was one of three types of fighting men during the middle ages: Knights, Foot Soldiers, and Archers. The medieval knight was the equivalent of the modern tank. He was covered in multiple layers of armor, and could plow through foot soldiers standing in his way. No single foot soldier or archer could stand up to any one knight."  


Or check out this clip from one of the most-famous baseball movies of all time:

You don't know the movie The Natural?  Well, rent it tonight.  It's about a guy who was once a baseball phenom who never had a chance to become the star he wanted to become.  Much later in life he tries to make a comeback.  Believe me, all baseball fans know who Roy Hobbs is, fictional or not.

It's a great story, which reminds me of a great quotation from 1001 Arabian Nights:  "People need stories, more than bread itself.  They teach us how to live, and why."

And so, this is the beginning of our story.  What will happen?